Friday, March 12, 2010


When I have checked out at the grocery store and my total has dramatically lowered, I have been asked where do you get all your coupons.  Well here is the answer EVERYWHERE!!!!!.  In the store, in the newspaper, the computer, the grocery ads, the boxes of food, I am always on the lookout for coupons. 

To better explain,  I get the sunday paper, which in NV includes only the smartsource.  The Red Plum and Proctor and Gamble come in the mail with our grocery ads.  If I need more P &G or Red Plum I order from  here.

There are also places on the internet to print coupons.  Smartsource is a great one as well as and Red to print online coupons.  They typically release manufaucturer's coupons at the beginning of each month.  You can usually print each coupon twice per computer.

Many times, in the aisles there will be "blinkies" or "tear-pads" with coupons.  Also, there are peelies and hanging tags.  In my coupon etiquette, I think that if your not buying it, or only buying one don't take 50 of them.!!!

Manufacturer websites are another great place to check for coupons.  Last but by no means least stay tuned because we here at centsavingchic have our chics on the hunt for the best coupons around!!!!  If you have some feel free to

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